Professor Jennifer Redfearn runs San Francisco Half Marathon to raise funds for documentary film students

July 27, 2023

Jennifer Redfearn pre-raceProfessor Jennifer Redfearn, director of the Documentary Program at Berkeley Journalism recently ran the San Francisco Half Marathon to support our graduate students. She raised a total of $3600. It’s not too late to make a donation today.

The campaign rallied our community and raised much-needed student support through donations to the Fine Cut Fund. The fund supports students with the hard costs of filmmaking – production, travel and post-production expenses that they pay on top of tuition and fees for the 2 year program.

“It’s important to me that talented students—particularly from low-income families— aren’t left behind due to financial barriers at a critical time in their careers,” Redfearn said. “Unfortunately, access to resources is a significant barrier to documentary filmmaking, and this divide deepens the longstanding inequities in the industry and limits the diversity of voices.”

“Before coming to Berkeley, the idea of making a documentary seemed impossible. The Fine Cut Fund and UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism made the dream come true.”

– César Rojas Ángel (’23), now a video fellow at BBC America.

“It’s not hyperbole to say that this program has completely changed my life.”

– Bria Light (’23)

About the Documentary Program
The documentary program at Berkeley Journalism is highly regarded as one of the country’s most important graduate nonfiction film programs. Our two-year documentary program is housed within the only journalism school in the University of California system. The Berkeley program produces courageous storytellers who are rigorously trained in investigative reporting and writing, as well as the art of filmmaking, so they’re ready to tackle the most significant stories of our time.

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