Investigative Reporting Program

A professional newsroom exposing injustice and abuse of power while training the next generation of journalists in the highest standards of our craft.
Scholarship Fund

Support our scholarship fund and help us train the next generation of bold journalists, expanding the very idea of who can become a journalist in this country.
Summer Internships

Make a donation today to fund summer internships. It’ll change student lives and no student has to work for free.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes! Should you wish to donate securities, please contact central campus at 510.642.6791 or specifying the Graduate School of Journalism as the recipient.
Gifts may be made through checks payable to the UC Berkeley Foundation with Berkeley Journalism School in the memo.
Please mail checks directly to campus:
UC Berkeley Donor and Gift Services
1995 University Avenue, Suite 400
Berkeley, CA 94704-1070
Many of us are already accustomed to supporting our local public radio stations, schools etc. with recurring gifts. Establishing recurring gifts are convenient for the donor (and your accountant) and give the J-School a predictable source of income we can count on. You choose the amount you wish to give monthly or annually. Pledges can be changed or cancelled at any time. Make your first donation via credit card today!
It's easy: Just include the bequest language in your will or living trust. If you like, you can use this sample bequest language as a guide:
"I give ______* to the UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FOUNDATION, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation, to provide support to be used at the discretion of the Dean of the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism at the University of California." * For example, "$_____" or "_____ percentage of the residue of my estate."
Please contact us for sample language to support scholarships, fellowships, faculty research, or other areas on campus that are important to you.
You can look up your company in our employer matching-gift search by clicking here.
A memorial gift can help perpetuate the values and ideals that guided someone's life. Honorary gifts commemorate a significant event. They can also honor someone who is still living. We strongly encourage thoughtful gestures like those. When making an online donation, please use the "Special instructions for this gift" field to note what type of gift you are making (honor/memorial) and the name of the person you are recognizing. Fellowships can also be established in someone's memory. Obituaries can also be written to direct donations to the J-School in someone's name in lieu of flowers.
Wire transfers are most commonly used for gifts made from outside the United States. You should alert UC Berkeley that a wire transfer has been made. Automated Clearing House (ACH) transfers, on the other hand, can be sent only from domestic banks, and a unique routing number must be used for ACH transfers: 121000358. ACH transfers will not work from international banks.
Please contact us for help with a wire transfer or ACH transfer at either 510.642.6855 or
Yes. You will need to provide your personal information so that you can be credited for the gift. If you want your gift to be acknowledged as anonymous, please note this in the "Special Instructions for this gift" field when making an online donation, or write "anonymous' in the notes field of your check.
Yes. Pledges include a commitment to a specific amount and payment schedule. Pledges may be paid over a period of five years from the time of the commitment in annual, semiannual, or quarterly installments.
Pledge reminders will be mailed on an agreed-upon schedule unless the donor requests otherwise. Pledge payments may be in the form of cash, credit, or debit card charges, or wire or securities transfers.
Donors should indicate if their pledge includes an anticipated corporate matching gift, or if it may be fulfilled by a private or community foundation. If you are interested in making a pledge, please download this pledge card [PDF 270KB], specify the Graduate School of Journalism as the recipient and mail it to:
University of California, Berkeley
Donor and Gift Services
1995 University Avenue, Suite 400
Berkeley, CA 94704-1070
To indicate that a gift you are making is a payment on an existing pledge, please write "pledge payment" in the special instructions field for your gift.
An endowment is a fund established by a gift in which the donor has imposed the restriction that the principal remain intact; only income and growth from the principal (approximately 4% annually) can be used to support the stated purpose of the fund. The minimum amount is $250,000.
UC Berkeley Foundation: 94-6090626
UC Regents: 94-6002123
Donating tangible personal property is an increasingly popular and useful way to support units on campus. To determine if your item is appropriate as a gift-in-kind, please contact us at 510.642.6791 or Remember to specify the Graduate School of Journalism as the recipient.
Yes. A portion of your philanthropic gift, 5 percent, is allocated to support campus fundraising efforts. This level compares favorably to those at other UC schools and select institutions. One half of this amount is directed to fundraising operations at the J-School, and the other half to further investments in development campus wide.
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