Armon Owlia

Armon Owlia is the creator, producer, and host of the video series, “For The Community,” and the podcast, “The Aut Cast,” which covers neurodiversity rights, a cause close to his heart.

In 2023, Owlia completed his Master’s thesis, “This American Divide,” using multimedia journalism to take a deeper look into political polarization in the United States. At the 2023 Multimedia Showcase, Owlia announced that a second season of “This American Divide” would be produced and released in May 2024.

His broad global experiences, from being raised in a multicultural environment, living in Hong Kong, and extensive travel, has given him an international perspective and empathy that he frequently incorporates into his journalism.

Owlia has contributed to a variety of publications, including The San Francisco Chronicle and The Philadelphia Inquirer, and has participated in investigative reporting with KQED, the Bay Area’s NPR affiliate.

Owlia received a Bachelor’s degree in journalism from Drexel University in 2020.

Owlia is a fan of sports, science fiction, trivia, film, and music. He is a passionate traveller, interested in learning more about people, food, art, and culture to expand his perspective and his audience’s.


  • UC Berkeley: Master's in Journalism (M.J.) – 2021-2023

  • Drexel University: Bachelor's (B.A.) in Communications, Journalism Concentration – 2016-2020


  • Investigative Reporting Program/KQED/California Reporting Project – Intern (2022)

  • Video Freelancer (2014-2022)

  • Marketing Communications Assistant – Connell (2017)

  • Creative Services Intern – Philadelphia Magazine (2019)

  • Teaching Assistant – UC Berkeley (2022)


Culture, Food, Neurodiversity rights, Politics, Sports, Travel