News Topic:

Reporters In Residence

Person in a green cap writing on a small notebook on a desk, next to an open laptop displaying a Berkeley Journalism webpage.

Applications now being accepted for Berkeley Journalism’s Reporters-in-Residence program

June 27, 2024

For the fifth straight year, the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism is giving aspiring journalists from Contra Costa County an opportunity to hone their skills in the classroom and on the beat.  Applications are now being accepted for the Reporters-in-Residence program, part of the school’s initiatives to bring new voices into journalism and remove…

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Two women standing outdoors in front of a window with green foliage. The woman on the left has long, dark hair and is wearing a black top. The woman on the right, who may be part of a Reporters-in-Residence fellowship, has light brown hair, glasses, and is wearing a green hoodie. Both are looking at the camera and smiling subtly.

Reporters-in-Residence make the most of their fellowships

December 1, 2023

Berkeley Journalism awarded the 2023 Reporters-in-Residence Fellowships to Ana Tellez-Witrago and Andrea Madison as part of the school’s initiatives to bring new voices into journalism and remove barriers to the field. Tellez-Witrago and Madison received $2,000 each and were given the chance to audit the J200 introductory reporting class taught by Dean Geeta Anand and…

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Two young women outdoors, each smiling at the camera. The woman on the left wears glasses, hoop earrings, and a black top with a blue backpack strap visible—a quintessential Berkeley Journalism student look. The woman on the right has short hair and wears a white hoodie and black jacket. Trees are blurred in the background.

Kimyatta Newby and Olivia Lozano Named Reporters in Residence

November 16, 2021

Berkeley Journalism is awarding Reporters in Residence Fellowships to two East Bay journalists, each of whom will receive a $2,000 stipend and opportunities to become part of the school’s community. As Reporters in Residence, Olivia Lozano and Kimyatta Newby will audit the School’s introduction to reporting classes, get one-on-one mentorship from class instructors and earn…

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A composite image with two side-by-side portraits. The left portrait shows a woman with styled curly hair, wearing a black turtleneck and a gold necklace with a pendant, exuding the poise of someone from Berkeley Journalism. The right portrait depicts a man with a goatee and braided hair, wearing a bright orange quilted jacket.

Berkeley Journalism establishes community fellowships with Richmond Pulse

December 8, 2020

To invest in the city of Richmond, a Bay-area community long reported on by our student publishing site Richmond Confidential, Berkeley Journalism has established a fellowship program with the youth-led, local community news outlet Richmond Pulse. The idea was spurred by students in Dean Geeta Anand’s class in 2018—when she was the J200 instructor for…

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