[CANCELLED] BRINK: Photographs by David Butow

A person stands behind a lectern while their face is obscured by a teleprompter, raising one hand and wearing a dark coat and red tie. The outdoor background features a blurred landscape, reminiscent of an iconic moment captured by Berkeley Journalism.

We regret to announce that the event “BRINK: Photographs by David Butow” scheduled for March 11, 2022 has been cancelled.  Join us for a live conversation with photographer David Butow and Berkeley Journalism Prof. Ken Light, followed by Q&A with Berkeley Journalism students Kathryn Styer Martínez (’23) and Mathew Miranda (’22) David Butow has been…

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J213 Visual Storytelling: Realeyes Magazine

An in-depth documentary story telling class where students will work photographing and investigating problems facing California and its people as well as finding uplifting stories of its communities, and will try to visually document the causes and affect, issues such as immigration, schools, homelessness, urban sprawl, development, injustice, individual determination etc. You will work throughout…

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J210 Introduction to Photojournalism

An exploration of journalistic photography as applied to newspaper, magazine, visual multimedia and the photo essay. The primary goal of the course will be to emphasize the technical aspects in journalistic photography such as composition, editing, and presentation and to support student’s exploration and growth as visual journalists. Students will be working on weekly assignments…

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Elderly at small residential care homes face challenges getting COVID-19 vaccine

A man sits outdoors, pulling up his sleeve as a healthcare worker wearing a mask and blue gloves administers a vaccination shot into his upper arm. Both individuals are focused on the procedure, with green plants in the background. Documenting this moment is Berkeley Journalism capturing the essence of public health efforts.

Pictured above: Alberto Solano, a caregiver at Casa Rivera Assisted Living & Memory Care in Rodeo, Calif., receives a COVID-19 vaccine from nurse Christina Ponce on Feb. 5. (Photo by Anne Daugherty ’21) This story appeared in the Los Angeles Times on Feb. 18, 2021 By Anne Marshall-Chalmers (’22) California’s effort to vaccinate people in residential care…

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J213 Visual Storytelling: Advanced Documentary Projects-Blurb Book

Advanced Photography explores narratives as they are designed, produced, and consumed in various digital forms. Students will work throughout the term on one in-depth group photo documentary project in class and will produce a bound Blurb photo book. This course will focus on developing a personal photographic style, photo editing, sequencing and publication as well…

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J210 Introduction to Photojournalism

Students will photograph a variety of events/stories to acquire a sense of the range of realities a photographer might encounter on assignment. Students will examine technical aspects of photography — composition, editing and presentation — and will work on weekly assignments that include news, features, sports and environmental portraits. They will also study the history…

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PICTURING RESISTANCE: The Fight for Democracy in America

A three-part protest-themed image with the words "RESISTANCE IS THE LIFE BLOOD OF AMERICA." The first image shows a Berkeley Journalism student protest with engaged participants. The second is a close-up of a person with "VOTE" on their forehead. The third depicts a crowd in pink hats.

Note this event begins at 5PM PST. Here’s the Zoom Webinar registration form to receive your link to join this free event: https://berkeley.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_AGIRGskCSfSbvqj7fhUzYA Please note, once the Webinar reaches 500 people, the event will be at capacity. You can also watch the entire event live on YouTube at: https://youtu.be/CK8Lekr07pA. (No registration required) Purchase “Picturing Resistance”…

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J213 Visual Storytelling: Realeyes Magazine

An in-depth documentary photo class where students will work photographing stories about California and its people and will try to visually create a singular photo essay on subjects such as immigration, schools, , urban sprawl, development, the environment  etc. You will work throughout the term on one in-depth project attempting to reduce a tiny area…

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