Monday, October 7th


Open House

Join us on Monday, October 7th, 2019 for our annual all-day Open House event! Participants meet faculty, students and staff, sit in on classes and presentations, get information on financial aid, career planning, and the Investigative Reporting Program, join networking receptions, and find out all about our Master of Journalism program. This event is especially designed for those who are seriously considering applying to Berkeley Journalism in the near future.



*Agenda subject to change*

Monday, October 7, 2019 | 8:45 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. | North Gate Hall Library
Open House is designed for prospective students to attend as many of
the day’s sessions as they wish, creating a day that best suits their
needs. The expectation is that students will come and go from classes
and information sessions as needed.

See schedule in calendar format: Open House 2019 Schedule

See the Open House Program with instructor and speaker bios, and course and event descriptions.

8:45 – 9:00 a.m. Check-in and Coffee

9:00 – Noon Breakout Sessions: Classroom Visits, Information Sessions on Financial
Planning and Career Planning.

[See below for more info]

Noon – 1:00 p.m. Lunch/Media Platform Discussions

1:00 – 4:00 p.m. Breakout Sessions: Classroom Visits, IRP Overview, Dean’s Office & IRP Drop-Ins, Student Panel.

[See below for more info]

4:00 – 5:00 p.m. Reception with Students, Faculty, and Staff [Courtyard]

Break-Out Sessions

9:00 – Noon

Breakout Sessions: Classroom Visits, Information Sessions on Financial Planning and Career Planning.

  • CLASSES 9:00 – Noon

Reporting the News for Oakland North with Kara Platoni [Room 108, Lower Newsroom]

Reporting the News for Richmond Confidential with Marilyn Chase [Room 209/Greenhouse]

Reporting the News: Health & Environment with Elena Conis [Room 106, Upper Newsroom]

Reporting the News: Democracy & Inequality with Chris Ballard [Room 101, Production Lab]

Visual Storytelling: Advanced Photojournalism with Ken Light [Room B30]


Career Planning with Pam Gleason [Room B1]

Financial Planning with Joanne Straley [Room B1]

Welcome from Dean Wasserman [Library]

2:00 – 4:00 p.m.

Breakout Sessions: Classroom Visits, IRP Overview, Dean’s Office & IRP Drop-Ins, Student Panel.

  • CLASSES 2:00 – 4:00

Intro to Visual Journalism with Betsy Rate [Room 108/Lower Newsroom]

Intro to Visual Journalism with Andrés Cediel [Room 101/Production Lab]

Intro to Photojournalism with Ken Light [Room 108/Lower Newsroom]

The Well-Reported Podcast with Anna Sussman [Room 208/Greenhouse] [4-5pm]

  • DROP-IN Sessions

Investigative Reporting Program [IRP Offices]

Speak with the Dean [Dean’s Offices]


Investigative Reporting Program with David Barstow [Library]

Student Panel [Library]

WiFi: CalVisitor

Instagram: berkeleyjournalism

Twitter: @ucbsoj

Facebook: ucbjschool


North Gate Hall