J256 Journalism Law (Section 2)

This is a degree required course required for all first year students. The class will be the second-half of the semester.

Both sections are identical, and students are free to sign up for either section based on what works best for their schedule.

This course will familiarize you with the basic principles of American law under which you operate as a professional journalist. Coincidentally you will also become familiar with some basic legal concepts, and how courts operate. While this is a course about law it is not a law school course; it is intended to give you enough law to recognize when you face possible legal issues and when to seek legal counsel or other help before you (or your publisher/broadcaster/platform) get into trouble.

For the first few law classes you will be reading and discussing the laws that govern control over content of publication, and libel. The law of confidential sources, privacy, copyright (and a mere mention of indecency/obscenity) will be covered in the second half, with an emphasis on how old laws are being applied in new media.



Time:  W 2–5pm

Location:  142 North Gate (LMC)

Class Number:  26837

Section:  002

Units:  1.5

Length:  7 weeks

Course Material Fee:  None

Enroll Limit:  30

Restrictions & Prerequisites
