Mitzi Perez-Caro
I am currently going into my sixth year as the Digital Art and Web Design Teacher at Kennedy High School in Richmond. I have previously worked for the Richmond Pulse as a Reporter and Photographer, Rise Up Be Heard at Splinter as a Videography Correspondent, the LA School Report as a Translator, the Daily Californian as a Senior Staff Photographer and the New York Times as a Collegiate Representative. I was the first generation in my family to attend college. I graduated from UC Berkeley with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Media Studies. As the former Lead for the Information Technology Academy, I knew I had to set an example for the students. Our school is the most underserved high school in the district. We have the highest number of unduplicated students, 20 percent of our student population, whether that is foster youth, at risk youth, homeless youth. School is most of the time their only escape. My love of journalism to this day has not been kindled by teaching, instead it was fostered. I want to provide another avenue for students to build out their talents and grow their love for our city.
UC Berkeley - BA Media Studies
UC Berkeley Extension - CTE Credential
Digital Arts and Web Design Teacher | Kennedy High School
2022 Educator of the Year - Junior Achievement
Investigative reporting, multimedia