Maria Sestito
Maria Sestito is a second-year student studying investigative journalism, new media and narrative writing. She is also studying Arabic and the Middle East as a Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellow.
Originally from New Jersey, Maria started her career in journalism in 2013 as a photographer at The Daily News in Jacksonville, North Carolina. She quickly added “reporter” to her title, becoming the first hybrid reporter/photographer at the newspaper.
She moved to the Bay Area in 2015 and spent three years covering crime, courts and breaking news, including the 2017 North Bay wildfires, in Napa Valley.
Maria is currently a marketing assistant for University Business Partnerships & Services, a freelance reporter, and an award-winning columnist at the Napa Valley Register. Her column, “Jersey Girl,” runs every other Sunday.
Rutgers University: B.A. Middle Eastern Studies, Women and Gender Studies
Napa Valley Register - Public Safety Reporter
Napa Valley Register - Columnist
The Daily News - Reporter/Photographer
First Place - Best Writing, April 2018, California Newspaper Publishers Association
First Place – Best Column, April 2018, California Newspaper Publishers Association
First Place - Breaking News, May 2017, California Newspaper Publishers Association
Third Place - Education Reporting, May 2016, North Carolina Press Association
Co-chair, Cal Women in Media
AmeriCorps Alums
Phi Beta Kappa, Honor Society
Criminal Justice, Economics, Human Rights, International Relations, Public PolicyMEDIA PLATFORMS
Multimedia, Narrative Writing, Photojournalism