Le (Leo) Zou

Le (Leo) Zou

Le (Leo) Zou


My name is Leo Zou. I am a video journalist, photographer and writer.

I shoot with DSLRs, set up lights and operate sound. I edit in Adobe Premiere or Avid, stylize in After Effects, make graphics in AI and take photographs. I also dabble in data visualization and HTML/CSS. I’m the one-man band who does it all and does it well. My works have appeared on KQED, SF Chronicle, and South China Morning Post. I have a Master’s Degree in Journalism from UC Berkeley and speak Mandarin fluently.

Before relocating to beautiful and sunny California, I worked as a print journalist in smog laden city of Beijing for more than two years, covering breaking news and digging up my own scoops. My exclusive story about hacked iTunes accounts being auctioned on Chinese online store were cited by AFP, USA Today, CNET and FT. I have traveled across China and written stories about Tibetan herders forced to leave their homelands, employment discrimination against people with HIV/AIDS and many more.

More info on my website: http://www.leozou.com/