Joshua Chin

Joshua Chin

Joshua Chin


Joshua Chin is a journalist, a critic, and a freelance writer based in Seattle, Washington, currently studying at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism.

He has contributed for local news firms such as the Redmond Reporter as well as the Ballard News Tribune. Utilizing his bilingual proficiency, he has worked as a reporter at the Seattle Chinese Times, reporting on topics ranging from elections, social news, to entertainment updates. Besides reporting, he also writes movie critique and designs newspaper layout.

Chin offers versatility as a journalistŠ—”whether it’s reporting a quick, lively community event, or producing a well-narrated feature about an artist.

Humanity is his passion. He believes that every topic, no matter it is science, business, or art, comes down to human interactions in the end. He strives to tell human-oriented stories with a magnifying lens rather than from a removed angle.