Alicia Vargas
Alicia has been establishing her career as a freelance reporter for the last decade. She began reporting as a freelance reporter for a music and arts site which streamed their original online radio programs from a trailer park in Long Beach, before podcasting was a “thing.” During her time there, she interviewed a slew of musicians including: Lila Downs, Manu Chao, Cafe Tacuba, Tom Morello & Los Aterciopelados.
This was fun but she wanted to dive deeper as a reporter to cover social justice oriented media. After graduating from the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism specializing in new media with a focus in video storytelling, she is in the process of converting her internationally broadcasted radio program-Soul Rebel Radio-airing on Pacifica Radio into an LLP to teach free journalistic skills to the next generation of reporters.
Alicia’s work has been published in AJ+, Telesur, Medium, Eastern Group Publications and Brooklyn & Boyle. Soul Rebel Radio airs on Pacifica Radio KPFK in Los Angeles (
Arts, Immigration, Social IssuesMEDIA PLATFORMS
Audio Journalism, Multimedia, Video Journalism