Knight Professor of Journalism Michael Pollan, will discuss his new book, “The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals,” with Davia Nelson of NPR’s The Kitchen Sisters and co-author of Hidden Kitchens: Stories, Recipes & More.
What should we have for dinner? According to Michael Pollan the answer may determine our survival as a species. Should we eat a fast-food hamburger? Something organic? Or perhaps something we hunt, gather, or grow ourselves?
The omnivoreÌ¢âÂã¢s dilemma has returned with a vengeance, as the cornucopia of the modern American supermarket and fast-food outlet confronts us with a bewildering and treacherous food landscape. WhatÌ¢âÂã¢s at stake in our eating choices is not only our own and our childrenÌ¢âÂã¢s health, but the health of the environment that sustains life on earth.
Book Signing to Follow Event.
Limited Parking Spots Between Kleeburger Field and The Football Stadium Will Be Available for Purchase: $7.00 each.
Ì¢âÂÒWhat should you eat? Michael Pollan addresses that fundamental question with great wit and intelligence, looking at the social, ethical, and environmental impact of four different meals. Eating well, he finds, can be a pleasurable way to change the world.Ì¢âÂå
Ì¢â”Eric Schlosser, author of Fast Food Nation and Reefer Madness: Sex, Drugs, and Cheap Labor in the American Black Market
The Graduate School of Journalism and the Knight Program in Science and Environmental JournalismLOCATION