2011 was a year of protest, dissent, and revolution. The world watched as regimes began to fall; incredibly, with relatively few casualties. Then in February the uprising in Libya began, which soon turned into a bloody and protracted revolution, leading to the downfall of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.
Lindsey Hilsum arrived in Libya when the fighting began and was there when Gaddafi was killed. During this time, she found Libyans of all ages opening up to her with stories of their lives that they were previously unable to share for fear of reprisal from the government. These were stories of torture, execution, loss, and of Libya’s slow decline under the Gaddafi regime from a country rich in oil and human resources to a political pariah on the world stage.
Join Ms. Hilsum for an in depth look at Libya under Gaddafi and the revolution that brought him down.
Registration required: http://www.worldaffairs.org/events/2012/libyas-revolution-and-the.html
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