Wednesday, October 26th


SEOUL: Video Reports from South Korea and America

J-School students produced a multimedia project in California and South Korea for The Washington Post.  Their video reports explore the lives and challenges of Koreans on both sides of the Pacific.

Class of 2012’s Anne Brice, Shirley Lau, Jessica Lum, Tyler Orsburn, Hyunjin Seo and class of 2011’s Diana Jou contributed to the multimedia project.

Please join us for a screening of their reports and a Q&A session. The works are part of the Digital TV and the World special project’s experiment in multimedia, global reporting directed by Todd Carrel.

The Washington Post has published Digital TV and the World reports since 2002. Journalists have traveled the world — from China to India, from Cambodia to Latin America — in search of stories that reveal the fabric of communities.

Next year’s group will focus on China and the Chinese in America.

The Center for Digital TV and the World, a project of the Tides Center, is supported by the Skirball Foundation, the Henry Luce Foundation, the Pacific Century Institute, ANA, the University of California, Berkeley’s Graduate School of Journalism, Center for Korean Studies and Institute of East Asian Studies.


The Center for Digital TV and the World


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