A conversation with:
David Edgar
The internationally renowned British playwright received a Tony in 1982
for his play The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby. Edgar has worked
in every genre including television, film, radio, books, and theatre.
He founded and directs Britain’s first post-graduate course in playwrighting
at the University of Birmingham.
Edgar’s acclaimed political tour de force, Continental Divide, opens at
the Berkeley Repertory Theatre Nov 6. The two-play ensemble, written before
anybody ever heard the words “recall election,” chronicles a
fictitious California-style gubernatorial race.
Mark Danner
Professor, Graduate School of Journalism
Contributing Writer, The New Yorker and the New York Review of Books.
Danner has covered Central America, Haiti, the Balkans, and Iraq, and
is the author of The Massacre at El Mozote: A Parable of the Cold War.
The Goldman Forum on the Press and Foreign Affairs is a series of lectures,
dialogues and scholarships meant to foster debate about how critical world
issues are covered in the American press – and how they can be covered
more effectively.
The Goldman Forum on the Press & Foreign Affairs andrnUC Berkeley Graduate School of JournalismLOCATION
Library - North Gate Hall