Engaging audiences with visual storytelling.
Presented by the Knight Digital Media Center, Graduate School of Journalism
KOCI-HERNANDEZ is an Emmy Award winning visual journalist who worked as a photographer at the San Jose Mercury News for 15 years. His work has appeared in Time, Newsweek, USA Today, The New York Times and international magazines, including Stern. In 2003, Koci- Hernandez was the recipient of the James K. Batten Knight Ridder Excellence Award. His work for the San Jose Mercury News has earned him two Pulitzer Prize nominations. His photography and multimedia work has won numerous awards on the national and regional level, including an Emmy for producing documentary video. Koci-Hernandez was named deputy director of photography and multimedia after spearheading the creation of MercuryNewsPhoto.com. He has taught multimedia workshops for Stanford University, National Press Photographers Association, The Southern Short Course, National Association for Hispanic Journalists and National Association for Black Journalists. He has lectured at USC Annenberg School for Communication and Stanford University. Koci- Hernandez is a San Francisco State University journalism graduate, where he has been a guest instructor. Currently, he works as a lecturer for the University of California at Berkeley, Graduate School of Journalism.