Thursday, November 18th


Katrina vanden Heuvel, Editor and Publisher of The Nation Magazine

The Nation is a highly regarded weekly print publication and website of strongly leftwing reporting and opinion. Come for a lively conversation between editor and publisher Katrina vanden Heuvel and Deirdre English, director of the Felker Magazine Center, about running a magazine of opinion in the digital age. We will cover the recent elections, the role of  right, center and left media in politics, objectivity versus fairness, the 24/7 spin cycle, the splinternet, women, minorities and opinion journalism …and more.

Katrina vanden Heuvel is the co-editor of Taking Back America–And Taking Down the Radical Right (Nation Books, 2004) and, most recently, editor of The Dictionary of Republicanisms (NationBooks, 2005) She is a frequent commentator on American and international politics on MSNBC, CNN and PBS.

Her weblog for thenation.com is “Editor’s Cut.”

The Nation’s recent TV commercial.

DON”T MISS THIS! Click this link (and then fast forward) to see a feisty performance by Katrina vanden Heuvel on The Colbert Report

then if you want to read vanden Heuvel arguing, in the Wall Street Journal, that the latest elections were an “undeserved win” for the Republicans, read this.

Finally, to get up to speed on what The Nation Magazine is all about, check this link out: The New York Times on The Nation, Nov. 8


The Graduate School of Journalism


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