Monday, March 13th


Iraq: Reports from the Frontlines

This event will be introduced by Phil Bronstein, Executive Vice President and Editor of The San Francisco Chronicle.

Leading war correspondents will discuss their experience covering Iraq*:

John Burns
Baghdad Bureau Chief, The New York Times, 1993 and 1997 Pulitzer Prize winner for International Reporting

Jackie Spinner
Staff Writer and Former Baghdad Bureau Chief, The Washington Post

Anna Badkhen
Staff Writer, The San Francisco Chronicle

Mark Danner
Regular Contributor, The New York Review of Books and Professor, UC Berkeley’s Graduate School of Journalism

Orville Schell
Dean, UC Berkeley’s Graduate School of Journalism

*Preceding the discussion will be a 30-minute preview of “The War Tapes.” The first documentary filmed by soldiers on the frontlines in Iraq (from the executive producer of “The Fog of War”). Director Deborah Scranton will introduce the film with Sgt. Steve Pink (New Hampshire National Guardsman who was one of five soldiers who filmed during his entire deployment).

pink with camera

Sgt. Steve Pink and video camera mounted on gun turret, Iraq 2004.

The War Tapes is directed by Deborah Scranton, produced by Robert May and Steve James (“Hoop Dreams”), edited by Steve James, and executive produced by Chuck Lacy.

A book signing in the Wheeler Lobby will take place after the panel discussion.


UC Berkeley's Graduate School of Journalism, The San Francisco Chronicle and The World Affairs Council


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