Tuesday, November 4th


Hitchens v. Danner: Has Bush Made Us Safer?

Christopher Hitchens

Contributing Editor, Vanity Fair

Former I.F. Stone Fellow, Graduate School of Journalism


Mark Danner

Professor, Graduate School of Journalism

Staff Writer, The New Yorker

Introduced by:

Robert M. Berdahl

Chancellor, UC Berkeley

Moderated by:

Orville Schell

Dean, Graduate School of Journalism

(note that this event has moved from Zellerbach Hall to Wheeler)

The Goldman Forum on the Press and Foreign Affairs is a series of lectures,
dialogues and scholarships meant to foster debate about how critical world
issues are covered in the American press – and how they can be covered
more effectively.

Co-sponsored With The Office of the Chancellor


The Goldman Forum on the Press & Foreign Affairs and rnUC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism rn


Wheeler Hall