Wednesday, March 1st


Food Politics: How Big Food Resists Government Regulation

Michele Simon is a public health lawyer who has been working as a nutrition advocate since 1996, specializing in policy analysis and legal strategies. Simon has published numerous articles about such issues as the National School Lunch Program, organic standards, the USDA’s dietary guidelines, veggie libel laws, genetically engineered foods, and banning obesity lawsuits. She lectures extensively, has appeared on numerous radio programs, and teaches Health Policy at the University of California, Hastings College of the Law, where she also received her law degree. Michele obtained her master’s degree in public health from Yale University.

Simon will be introduced by Marion Nestle, visiting Professor in the Schools of Public Policy, Public Health, and the Graduate School of Journalism, UC Berkeley, and author of Food Politics, and the forthcoming What to Eat.

The Food Politics Spring lecture series continues through April 5th, each Wednesday afternoon at 4:00pm in Room 250, Goldman School of Public Policy.


Co-sponsored by the Goldman School of Public Policy, the School of Public Health, and Knight Program in Science and Environmental Journalism



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