“Pollen Nation” follows the journey of third generation beekeeper Jeff Anderson from the honey harvest on the High Plains to the warm winter-feeding grounds of California. It also explores the history of human interaction with bees, from ancient Egyptian beekeepers to professional bee brokers in the 21st century.
The event will feature three other short films. “Fed Up!” explores the unintentional effects of pesticides, the resistance of biotechnology companies to food labeling, and the links between government officials and major biotechnology and chemical companies. “Fowl” is a short documentary examining chicken’s role in our fossil fuel-guzzling food system. “Islands at Risk” looks at the impacts of genetically modified crops on human health and species diversity in Hawaii.
The films will be followed by a discussion with filmmakers Singeli Agnew, Josh Fisher and Angelo Sacerdote, bee expert Claire Kremen and GMO expert Charles Margulis.