Please join us for the 2006 Digital TV and The World Reports. These include profiles of artists and cultural figures from Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Nicaragua, Venezuela and stories of ordinary people from Kashmir to Mumbai. The stories were produced by Graduate School of Journalism reporters Peter Alsop, Jenn Buck, Novella Carpenter, Kate Golden, Chad Heeter, Zachary Slobig, Clayton Worfolk, and Chris Young. Following the presentations there will be a question and answer session with the producers and teachers.
Instructors: Todd Carrel and Christopher Beaver
For Latin America: Lydia ChÌÄå´vez and Teresa Stojkov
For India: Carolyn Wakeman, Parvathi Menon, Lydia ChÌÄå´vez, Olga Tellis
Technical Advisor: Milt Wallace
The Center for Digital TV and the World, a project of the Tides Center, is supported by gifts from The Skirball Foundation, UC Berkeley’s Institute of East Asian Studies and others. The “Digital TV and the World” special project is directed by Todd Carrel and supported by gifts from the Walter and Elise Haas Fund, the Broadcast and Professional Systems Division of Sony Electronics, Inc, Apple and the Graduate School of Journalism.
Support for reports from Latin America was provided by Manuel and Geraldine ChÌÄå´vez.
Support for reports from India was provided by The Chatterjee Charitable Foundation.
Graduate School of Journalism and The Center for Digital TV and the WorldLOCATION
Library - North Gate Hall