The Goldman Forum on the Press and Foreign Affairs, in conjunction with the J-School, hosts a debate between I.F. Stone Fellow Christopher Hitchens and J-School Professor Mark Danner on the topic of America’s role in Iraq.
The event is introduced by Paul Gray, Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost, UC Berkeley. It is moderated by Orville Schell Dean, Graduate School of Journalism.
The event took place January 28, 2003 at 7:30pm in Zellerbach Auditorium, UC Berkeley.
The Goldman Forum on the Press and Foreign Affairs is a series of lectures, dialogues and scholarships meant to foster debate about how critical world issues are covered in the American press – and how they can be covered more effectively.
The Goldman Forum on the Press and Foreign Affairs, in conjunction with the UC Berkeley Graduate School of JournalismLOCATION
Zellerbach Hall