Tuesday, November 15th


Darfur, Sudan: The Violence Continues

David Kilgour, a member of the Canadian Parliament and leading human rights advocate, and Mark Brecke, a war photographer who documented the genocide in Darfur last fall/winter. They will discuss their first hand experiences regarding the genocide in Darfur, Sudan and shed light on this continuing tragedy.

There will also be a discussion of UC divestment from Sudan as a viable response to the genocide. Divestment will be addressed by the UC Sudan Divestment Taskforce at the UC Regent’s meeting at Berkeley on November 16th. More information on divestment, as well as an online petition of support, can be found here: www.ucdivestsudan.com

David Kilgour has been Canada’s strongest voice calling for action by the international community to stop the genocide in Darfur. He is an Independent Member of Canadian Parliament and one of the two longest serving MPs in the current Canadian House of Commons. He is Chair of the Canadian Chapter of Parliamentarians for Global Action and has served as Canada’s Secretary of State for Asia-Pacific (2002-2003) and Secretary of State for Latin America & Africa (1997-2002). During his 26 years of service in the Canadian government, he has continuously advocated strengthening of Canada’s human rights commitments and has been instrumental in bringing the situations in countries like Burma, Vietnam and Zimbabwe to the forefront of Canadian foreign policy. He has worked closely with leaders, governments and NGO’s from around the world to promote the advancement of human rights in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Mark Brecke has been documenting war, ethnic conflict and genocide over ten years and three continents including the some of the most troubled regions, including Cambodia, Kosovo, Rwanda, Sudan, West Bank, and Iraq. The evening will feature a slideshow lecture on the Darfur region of Sudan where Mark spent last fall/winter traveling behind rebel lines with the Sudanese Liberation Army where he saw first hand the genocide taking place.


UC Berkeley Students Take Action Now Darfur, San Francisco Bay Area Darfur Coalition, Dear Sudan Campaign, The UC Sudan Divestment Taskforce, Human Rights Center, Center for African Studeis, and Americans for Informed Democracy



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