Saturday, April 30th


Covering the World

Tentative Schedule for “Covering the World”
Saturday, April 30, 2005

8:45-9:30 Ì¢‰â‰” Coffee/rolls

9:30 Introductions

9:45-11:45 “Getting to the Heart of the Story”:
The logistics of reporting well in foreign lands. From story conception to what to pack; from paperwork to knowing who to talk to and knowing who to trust to dealing with editors. Avoiding the pitfalls of parachute journalism.

Moderator: Rone Tempest, LA Times.
Participants (confirmed): Jackie Spinner,Washington Post
Robert Collier, San Francisco Chronicle;
Cassandra Herrman, producer Frontline World/Discovery Channel Likely: Andrea Woodall, photographer, Washington Post
Possible: Anne Garrels or Deborah Amos, NPR; or Dean Murphy, NYT

11:45-Noon. Break.

Noon-1: Lunch. Possible visual event. (Stay tuned)

1:15-3:00: Breakout workshops. Hands-on sessions aimed at honing skills in particular areas.

A. Travel writing with Don George of the Lonely Planet.

B. Cultural reporting: Finding the compelling in ordinary life, with author Sam QuiÌÄå±ones.

C. The intersection of journalism and human rights reporting, with Eric Stover of the UC-Berkeley Human Rights Center and Mimi Chakarova, photography instructor at the Graduate School of Journalism.

3:00-3:30 Break: Refreshments.

3:30-5:30 Working with local partners.
International reporting simply wouldn’t get done without reliable fixers and local sources willing to take western reporters to the heart of the story. These local guides do so at considerable risk. This panel will examine the reporters’ responsibility to their partners on the ground.

Moderator: Sandy Tolan, Graduate School of Journalism and international correspondent for NPR.
Panelists: Lowell Bergman, Grad School of Journalism and NYT
Lydia Chavez, Grad School of Journalism
Elizabeth Farnsworth, Newshour
Monica Lam, Frontline contributor and Grad School alum;
Todd Carrel, Grad School of Journalism.

5:30-6:30 Reception

7:30: Possible evening event. Invited: Jehane Noujaim, director, Control Room. Other possibility: A conversation with Anne Garrels.


The Graduate School of Journalism


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