Tuesday, November 4th


Class of 2003 Documentaries Show

Please join us for the final screenings of master’s films from the documentary
class of 2003. Our venue is the Parkway
Theater in Oakland
, a neighborhood institution that dishes out pizza
and beer along with great movies.

So come early, order beer and pizza, and settle in for programs that
feature 70,000 tons of nuclear waste, the global journey of the matsutake
mushroom and multiple crossings of the green line. Not to mention Trent
Lott in cheerleader’s garb.

A Second Opinion By Hadas Ragolsky

The film follows Israeli doctors working for Physicians for Human Rights
as they deliver medical supplies and conduct examinations of Palestinians
in the West Bank. These doctors fulfill what they consider their professional
and human obligations, offering the viewers a second opinion of the people
involved in the daily conflict.

Oaxacan Hoops By Olga R. Rodriguez

A film that explores how basketball, one of the most revered sports in
the United States, has helped many Zapotec Indians living in Los Angeles
build community, keep traditions alive and maintain a connection to their
villages in Mexico.

Talk To Me: A Documentary About Autism by Vanessa Kaneshiro

Follows three Oakland families coping with the difficulties of raising
their autistic children.

A Voyage In Cyprus by Gerasimos Rigas and Melis Senerdem

Two filmmakers, one Greek and one Turkish, explore the long standing conflict
in Cyprus.
