Tuesday, December 13th


China and the Media

Is China the powerhouse of the 21st century?

Orville Schell, Dean of the Graduate School of Journalism at UC Berkeley, author of fourteen books, nine about China, has devoted his professional life to reporting on and writing about Asia. He will be in conversation with astrophysicist, human rights leader, and MacArthur Fellow Xiao Qiang on how the English-speaking media portray China’s domestic transition and rise in the world in the 21st century. Director of The China Internet Project at the Graduate School of Journalism at UC Berkeley, Xiao Qiang became a full time human rights activist after the Tiananmen Massacre in 1989 and is currently teaching classes on participatory media; China human rights; and the intersection of technology, media and social movements. He also runs the China Digital Times weblog to explore how emerging information and communication technologies can advance the world’s understanding of China.


Livetalk at CPS community lecture series and UC Berkeley's Graduate School of Journalism



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