Friday, April 18th


Amy Arbus Photographer

Her new book, The Fourth Wall, features riveting portraits of celebrated actors both on and off Broadway including Alan Cumming, Liev Schreiber, Ed Harris, Ethan Hawke and Martha Plimpton. The photographs were staged in anonymous places while the actors remained in costume and in character. The result is a surprising exploration of the question of identity. She will also speak about the perils and perks of being an editorial, commercial and art photographer.

AmyÌâåÊArbus has been photographing professionally for twenty-seven years. She is a contributing photographer to New York Magazine’s theater section. Her photographs have appeared in over one hundred periodicals around the world, including The New Yorker, Forbes, People and The New York Times Magazine. Her award winning books include, No Place Like Home, The Inconvenience of Being Born, On the Street 1980-1990, and The Fourth Wall. She teaches portraiture at the International Center of Photography, Anderson Ranch and The Fine Arts Work Center. Amy Arbus is represented by Anthropy Arts and The Cohen Amador Gallery in New York, The Stephen Cohen Gallery in Los Angeles and The Schoolhouse Gallery in Massachusetts. She has had twenty solo exhibitions worldwide, and her photographs are a part of the collection of The Museum of Modern Art in New York.


Center for Photography


Sibley Auditorium - Bechtel Engineering Center