J298 – War Music: Covering Conflict in the Age of Forever War
How to cover conflict when war has become “forever war,” a state of persistent hostility
that lurks day after day, month after month, year after year behind the news? When war no
longer describes a struggle leading toward victory or defeat but a frozen process that persists
indefinitely? This is the world journalists face in the age of the terror, drones and the “light
footprint.” In this seminar we will study this age of persistent conflict, analyze its sources, and
read the best that has been written about it. We will debate and discuss the War on Terror, the
Yemeni Civil War, the rise of special operators and drone warfare in Africa. The class will be
organized around reading and discussion. We will screen a film or two and requirements will
include a final paper.
Time: M 3:00 - 6:00
Location: 209 North Gate (Greenhouse)
Class Number: 16900
Section: 3
Units: 3
Length: 15 weeks
Course Material Fee: None
Enroll Limit: 12
Restrictions & Prerequisites