J298 OSINT Seminar – Open Source Investigations

This class will be two part: a seminar focusing on a particular story in collaboration with the Associated Press, and a lab portion focusing on using cutting edge Open Source investigative techniques, pioneered by Berkeley’s Human Right’s Center, with investigative reporting and multimedia skills. This course will be co-taught by representatives from the Human Right’s Center and the Investigative Reporting program, with the objective of producing high-quality OSINT Investigations. AP journalists will also likely contribute to this seminar.

Priority will be given to students already enrolled in this course for the fall 2021 semester





Time:  Tu 2:00 - 4:00; lab: Wed. 2:00 - 3:00

Location:  142 North Gate (LMC)

Class Number:  16278

Section:  024

Units:  4

Length:  15 weeks

Course Material Fee:  None

Enroll Limit:  

Restrictions & Prerequisites
