J298 Covering the Climate Crisis
In this time of wild weather and increasing economic, political and social turbulence sparked by environmental crises, how can we tell the climate story in a way that inspires people to practical, equitable, and effective action? This seminar exposes students to a wide range of themes and approaches, and equips students to produce a master’s project in their second year within the Climate Journalism Lab. Students will learn how journalists, documentary filmmakers and others can communicate the constellation of issues that constitute the climate crisis. You’ll gain resources to find experts and data, examine case studies (from investigative print reporting to documentary films), and conduct several exercises. We’ll consider ways to break through the clutter of misinformation, public apathy and despair to inspire positive change, while also holding the powerful to account as they delay or obstruct solutions. Guest speakers will include subject experts, journalists and filmmakers.
Time: Thurs 2–4 p.m.
Location: 127 North Gate (Rodriguez Room)
Class Number: 34281
Section: 018
Units: 2
Length: 15 weeks
Course Material Fee: None
Enroll Limit: 12
Restrictions & Prerequisites
All journalism graduate students are welcome, and we’ll consider graduate students and advanced undergraduates from climate-related disciplines (space permitting).