J243 Strategies of Narrative Journalism

Enrollment dependent upon faculty approval; details to follow.

The arc of this writing workshop will follow the process of researching and writing a single long piece of narrative journalism: finding and pitching story ideas; reporting in depth and at length; outlining and structuring your story; choosing a narrative voice and strategy, crafting leads and “overtures,” and forging connections between your story and its larger contexts.  As a group, we’ll also work as editors on one another’s ideas and pieces. And since reading good prose is the best way to learn to write it, we’ll be closely reading an exemplary piece of narrative journalism each week. Students will be expected to complete a draft and revision of a substantial piece by the end of the term.



Time:  M 2:00 - 5:00

Location:  To be determined

Class Number:  32528

Section:  002

Units:  3

Length:  15 weeks

Course Material Fee:  None

Enroll Limit:  12

Restrictions & Prerequisites

All students interested in the class should draft a letter explaining why they want to take the class and any relevant background that prepares them for it. Send the letter and a writing sample directly to Michael Pollan: pollan@ berkeley.edu by December 15.  Decisions for the class will be sent by email shortly after the deadline.