J243 Advanced Narrative

Sometimes the best way to tell a reported story is to tell the story, using techniques of fine fiction: character, scene, pacing, dialogue, tension, strategically-placed backgrounding. For this course we’ll do a lot of reading—articles, book excerpts, essays, graphic novel-style journalism. Most will come in the form of a two-volume reader, and we’ll focus on different aspects of each piece; you’ll want to bring the reading in, marked up with your thoughts and favorite/least favorite passages. You’ll also be writing sometimes during class, with exercises to let you experiment with situations and voicing. We’ll learn how writers conceive and pitch narrative story ideas; how to report for narrative; and, crucially, how to keep your narrative true to your reporting. Assignments will include a few short pieces, an essay drawing on personal experience, and one more ambitious project.



Time:  Thu 9am–12pm

Location:  127 North Gate (Rodriguez Room)

Class Number:  30661

Section:  001

Units:  3

Length:  15 weeks

Course Material Fee:  None

Enroll Limit:  12

Restrictions & Prerequisites
