J234 Reporting on Latin America Travel Class (By application only)

This class is by application only, but is open to students of any track.

APPLICATION LINK: Due Friday, Nov. 1 at 11:59pm

This course is designed to teach students to work as international correspondents for the semester. Students will learn how to operate safely in an unfamiliar setting, how to be resourceful and problem solve, and to be attentive to the local culture and issues important to sources. Over spring recess—the week of March 24–28—the whole class will travel to a yet-to-be-named Latin American country to conduct in-person reporting. Primary travel costs will be covered by the school (see note at the bottom).

Class sessions will include:

  • Hearing from guest speakers, journalists, leaders and/or locals via Zoom or in-person;
  • Engaging with assigned readings, books, articles, or documentaries that cover issues relevant to the region;
  • Conducting pre-reporting, finding and pitching stories, locating guides and sources on the ground that will become reporting partners during the trip;
  • Learning how to travel safely, learning about travel logistics, how to be resourceful and solve problems if things go awry.

A focus of the class will be how to cover stories in a foreign country while avoiding “extractive journalism” to the extent it is possible, being attentive to issues from locals, and learning how to listen, observe, and cultivate professional reporting relationships.

Most students will travel together as a group, while others may travel separately (pairs encouraged) at the discretion of the instructor, and if they feel a student is capable. Over the course of the week, students will be reporting, interviewing, recording audio, photographing or shooting video. Most students generally leave the Friday or Saturday before spring recess, and return the weekend after.

The application criteria will assess the student’s experience level, maturity, and ability to operate confidently and independently during the trip. Preference will be given to students who have prior experience with travel reporting, operating in unfamiliar or potentially hazardous environments, students who have a demonstrated interest in Latin American topics or issues, and students willing to adhere to the expectations and guidelines of the trip.

Note on costs: Primary travel expenses like flight, transportation, hotel, and some ancillary reporting costs will be covered by the school. Students will need to work within the budget given to them. Students who exceed their budget may be responsible for excessive costs.



Time:  Mon 9am-12pm

Location:  108 North Gate (Lower News)

Class Number:  


Units:  3

Length:  15 weeks

Course Material Fee:  None

Enroll Limit:  10

Restrictions & Prerequisites

By application only. Apply here: https://forms.gle/zdiMHuHNPn8aQchz6