J220 Intro to Coding Web Packages

This is a class that teaches students how to code HTML, CSS, and entry-level JavaScript and Python. Students will build websites as online news packages for both mobile and desktop. Focus will be on design of the project, technical skills for web development, digital reporting skills like scraping data, and understanding workflows and mechanics of online news production.

A major component of this course includes the fundamentals of coding and the command line interface. These are tools used both in designing an online package as well as understanding data research methods for reporting stories.

This class will be taught in an asynchronous hybrid modality. Meaning, much of the content will be pre-recorded and the in-person meetings will be more to support students who are stuck on questions. There will be a lightweight assignment each week so students can learn by doing.



Time:  Thu 10am–12pm (Flexible)

Location:  B1 North Gate

Class Number:  30640

Section:  001

Units:  2

Length:  15 weeks

Course Material Fee:  None

Enroll Limit:  18

Restrictions & Prerequisites
