J220 Intro to Coding
This class is a basic-level introduction to coding and web development concepts. No prior knowledge is necessary. The first part of this class will focus on HTML and CSS for building websites, but then it will dive into JavaScript, the command line interface, and other general programming concepts. This is a production class in the sense that a final reporting project will be required, but most of the work through the semester will be skills-based. Students will work in teams to pitch and report on in-depth stories and learn how to design a longform story in a way that connects each medium into a cohesive narrative structure that is optimized for web, mobile, and social consumption. Focus will be on both design of the project, as well as research skills for reporting. Students may pitch stories in the class, and double-dipping story topics is allowed in some circumstances; the determining factor being whether the story can be told in multiple media.
Time: Tu 10:00 - 1:00
Class Number: 29781
Section: 001
Units: 2
Length: 15 weeks
Course Material Fee: None
Enroll Limit: 12
Restrictions & Prerequisites