J219 MINI: How to Freelance (Starts 4/5)
This course may include teaching skills and techniques for effective story pitching, networking, or managing finances as an independent journalist. Freelancing includes multiple areas of independent journalism we specialize at the Journalism School, including magazine writing, documentary filmmaking and photojournalism. We envision this class focusing primarily on writers, but any tips that might extend into other media forms of journalism may be included.
This is a five-week mini course that starts Friday April 5. Dates of this class:
Week 1 — April 5
Week 2 — April 12
Week 3 — April 19
Week 4 — April 26
Week 5 — May 3
Time: Fri 9am–12pm
Location: 108 North Gate (Lower News)
Class Number: 33605
Section: 002
Units: 1
Length: 5 weeks
Course Material Fee: None
Enroll Limit: 12
Restrictions & Prerequisites