J219 Animating the News (2 sections) 10/12 – 11/9
This course is designed to introduce you to practices in animation used by media organizations. It will provide an overview of Adobe After Effects techniques and demystify the program. Prior knowledge of animation and motion graphics is not needed. Each class will consist of a short demonstration, viewing of related works, hands-on experimentation, and critique. The course will conclude with the creation of final projects in which students will develop and create an animated news explainer or equivalent animated project.
Class is open to 2nd year students only.
We’ve opened a second section of this course on Mondays from 1pm-4pm in B1.
Section 1 (Wednesdays 5-8pm): 17210
Section 2 (Mondays 1-4pm): 34045
IMPORTANT NOTE: Because the first class falls on Indigenous Peoples’ Day, both sections will meet on Wednesday Oct 12 at 5pm in the Upper Newsroom for the first class only. Subsequent weeks, each section will meet at their designated time.
Time: M 1-4pm & W 5-8pm
Location: B1 North Gate
Class Number: Sec1:17210 & Sec2:34045
Section: 005
Units: 1
Length: 5 weeks
Course Material Fee: None
Enroll Limit: 12
Restrictions & Prerequisites