J209 Multimedia Boot Camp

This is a required two-day intensive multimedia training workshop at the beginning of the fall semester to equip all first-year graduate journalism students with basic knowledge of digital storytelling techniques as well as the use of multimedia equipment and editing software to produce multimedia content. The objective is to train all students—regardless of their planned area of specialty—with some foundational digital skills to be applied during their reporting for the school’s local online news sites in the J200 Intro To Reporting class. The concepts and skills taught during the workshop also will be reaffirmed and expanded over the semester in the Multimedia Skills class.



Time:  Aug 20–21

Location:  142 North Gate (LMC)

Class Number:  29935

Section:  001

Units:  1

Length:  15 weeks

Course Material Fee:  None

Enroll Limit:  

Restrictions & Prerequisites

Require for all first-year students.