J200 Reporting the News – Oakland North

As an Oakland North reporter, you’ll work a beat to develop a deep source list and expertise on your subject. Reporters will explore the constantly newsworthy city which includes city, state and federal government, small and big businesses including the tech industry taking a foothold, gentrification, immigration, policing, education, arts and culture. Oakland offers a unique lens into many, many urban issues that resonate with regional and national news issues. As Oakland North is one of the school’s hyperlocal sites, students in this class will be constantly pitching and working on deadline to produce for the site. Students may also contribute to the School’s Tale of Two Cities podcast, which is produced by the School and covers Oakland and Richmond.



Time:  M 9:00 - 12:00


Class Number:  29417; fieldwork 29421

Section:  002

Units:  3

Length:  15 weeks

Course Material Fee:  None

Enroll Limit:  17

Restrictions & Prerequisites

J-School students only.