Award-winning documentary filmmaker Carrie Lozano (‘05) named to The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

July 12, 2019

Carrie Lozano

Berkeley Journalism alumna, lecturer and Advisory Board member Carrie Lozano (‘05) is among the 842 artists and executives invited to join The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. The highly coveted membership review which takes place just once a year, recognizes filmmakers and others “who have distinguished themselves by their contributions to theatrical motion pictures.”

Carrie produced the Academy Award nominee The Weather Underground, the live cinema piece Utopia In Four Movements and produced, directed and edited the Teddy Award-nominee Reporter Zero. Her latest documentary, The Ballad of Fred Hersch is in its third year of public screenings.

A recent shift in the makeup of those approved by the Academy’s Board of Governors following the #Oscarssowhite movement has made this one of the most inclusive classes in memory: the 2019 class is 50% women and 29% people of color.

“For those of us who make and support documentary films with an eye toward theatrical distribution, the Academy plays an essential role in ensuring that we retain a thriving culture around the cinematic experience,” Lozano says. “It’s a huge honor to be part of the Academy, and I’m delighted to support its work, and, of course, to vote for each year’s prestigious prize.”

Carrie is currently director of the International Documentary Association’s Enterprise Documentary and Pare Lorentz funds. Prior to that she led the Bay Area Video Coalition’s National MediaMaker Fellowship, was senior producer of Al Jazeera America’s investigative series “Fault Lines,” where her team garnered numerous awards including an Emmy and a Peabody, and executive producer of the network’s duPont-winning documentary strand.

Carrie is a two-time graduate of UC Berkeley. She received her BA in 1996 from the College of Letters & Science majoring in film, and her MJ from UC Berkeley’s Graduate School of Journalism. She was also a post-graduate fellow at Berkeley Journalism’s Investigative Reporting Program from 2008–2009.

Carrie and other new members will be welcomed into the Academy at an invitation-only reception in the fall.

-Marlena Telvick

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