J222 Interactive Narratives
Welcome to Interactive Narratives! This course will explore how digital narratives are reported, designed, produced, and consumed in digital formats. This is an ever-changing field with new and old technologies evolving constantly. The goal of this course is to understand how media professionals can best utilize any new technologies to meaningfully enhance a story. We will explore and create immersive narratives with AR, VR, mobile, social media, audio, and more.
How do we decide which tool to use and when? Which tools are better for reporting? Which ones are better in the production? How do we edit interactive stories? What should we be looking for when putting a pitch together? How do we design and think ahead about interactions? How to make sure our interactive/immersive experience gets people hooked? How do we make our experience accessible? This is where this class comes in.
Students will work either solo or in teams to produce award-winning work. Samples of this work can be viewed here:
Time: Th 10am–1pm
Location: B1 North Gate
Class Number: 26820
Section: 001
Units: 3
Length: 15 weeks
Course Material Fee: None
Enroll Limit: 20
Restrictions & Prerequisites