James Fallows will discuss his new book, “Blind into Baghdad,” on how, “the U.S. occupation of Iraq is a debacle not because the government did no planning but because a vast amount of expert planning was willfully ignored by the people in charge.”
Mr. Fallows will sign books after this event.
James Fallows is The Atlantic Monthly’s National Correspondent, and has worked for the magazine for more than twenty years. His previous books include Breaking the news: How the Media Undermine American Democracy, Looking at the Sun, More Like Us and National Defense, which won the American Book Award for non-fiction. His article about the consequences of victory in Iraq, Ì¢âÂÒThe Fifty First State?,Ì¢âÂå won the 2003 National Magazine Award.
Mr. Fallows has been an editor for the Washington Monthly and Texas Monthly magazines, and a columnist for the Industry Standard. He writes frequently for Slate and the New York Review of Books and is chairman of the board of the New America Foundation. He has worked on a software-design team at Microsoft and as chief speechwriter for President Jimmy Carter. He and his wife live in Washington DC.
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