Tuesday, February 19th


Food Politics 2019: “An Agenda for the Food Movement” with Marion Nestle

Food Politics 2019: An Agenda for the Food Movement
Recent government policy changes are eroding programs aimed at feeding the hungry, curbing obesity, and protecting the environment. What can consumers and citizens do?

Introduction by Nina F. Ichikawa, interim director of the Berkeley Food Institute.

A person with curly gray hair, wearing a dark short-sleeved shirt, sits at an outdoor table with greenery in the background. They are smiling softly and resting their head on one hand while the other arm is on the table, radiating the calm confidence of someone steeped in Berkeley Journalism.About Marion Nestle
Marion Nestle is the Paulette Goddard Professor of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health, emerita, at New York University. She holds a doctorate in Molecular Biology and an MPH in Public Health Nutrition, both from UC Berkeley. She is the author of ten books, among them the prize-winning Food Politics; What to Eat; Why Calories Count; Eat, Drink, Vote; and Soda Politics. Her most recent book, Unsavory Truth: How Food Companies Skew the Science of What We Eat, was published in 2018.  From 2008 to 2013, she wrote a monthly Food Matters column for the San Francisco Chronicle.  She blogs almost daily at www.foodpolitics.com, and her twitter account, @marionnestle, has been ranked by Science Magazine, Time Magazine, and The Guardian as among the top ten in health and science.

This series is presented in partnership with Berkeley Journalism, the Berkeley Food Institute, the UC Berkeley-11th Hour Food and Farming Journalism Fellowship.


UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism, Berkeley Food Institute, UC Berkeley-11th Hour Food and Farming Journalism Fellowship


Sibley Auditorium, Bechtel Engineering Center, UC Berkeley


This is a FREE event.
Tax-deductible donations from the J-School community help make this possible.

Tickets required

RSVP: https://bit.ly/2SLZupJ


Julie Hirano