A screening of the documentary film
“The Mystery of Yunnan’s Snub-nosed Monkey”
and a talk by the film-maker Shi Lihong
Shi Lihong, a Visiting Scholar at the Graduate School of Journalism, is an environmental activist whose documentary “The Mystery of Yunnan’s Snub-nosed Monkey” has received the TVE Award at the Wildscreen Film Festival. She was a reporter for China Daily, China’s only national English newspaper, from 1994 to 1997, and is also the Founder and Executive Director of the Yunnan-based Green Plateau Institute in China.
The snub-nosed monkey is an endangered species found only in Yunnan province – one of the 200 most important eco-regions of the world, according to WWF. When the monkey and its natural habitat were threatened by the local authority’s deforestation plans. Ms Shi and her husband Xi Zhinong launched a media campaign that saved the animals. Their last recorded sighting by a scientific team was sometime in the late 1890s, and the 40-minute film, which took 10 years to make, follows the story of a group of researchers in their quest to rediscover the monkey.