Come meet journalist Barbara Ehrenreich, who will talk about what it was like to research and write two books about life as a working person in America today….not by conducting interviews, but by inhabiting the experiences of blue-collar and white-collar workers. After spending time as a waitress, Wal-Mart clerk, housekeeper and other jobs for the first book, she sought a decent-paying white-collar job for the second—-subjecting herself to makeovers, too-cheerful coaching and an alarming tour of the downwardly mobile middle class.
Ehrenreich will read, answer questions, and sign copies of her books in paperback.
This is a public event. No tickets are required. Seating is open.
Light snacks and juice will be available.
Please reply to by noon Thursday, Sept. 21 if you plan to attend the event.
The Graduate School of JournalismLOCATION
Library - North Gate Hall