Invest in a Vibrant, Thriving Community

The goal: $17 million over 5 years
Beyond what happens in the classrooms and in the courtyard at North Gate Hall, Berkeley Journalism is at the heart of the world’s leading public university — and one of the most innovative centers of intellectual, research and policy creativity in the world.
This is why the Campaign for Berkeley Journalism also aims to raise funds to support durable collaborations with scientists, creative thinkers and policy experts across the campus. Whether it is our partnership with Rausser College of Natural Resources on climate change, a business journalism partnership with Haas School of Business, or the collaboration with the Berkeley Institute for Data Science on a first-of-its-kind statewide database of police misconduct and use-of-force records, Berkeley Journalism is superbly positioned to bring important scientific and policy projects into journalistic focus — and to do great journalism in the process.
“I can say with 100% confidence that if it weren't for Berkeley Journalism, I wouldn't be where I am today”
—Aryn Baker,
Senior international climate and environmental correspondent,
(M.J. 2001)
“I can easily draw a direct line between the work I do now and the skills I gained at the J-School. Berkeley builds better journalists, work that is as essential as ever.”
—Tamara Keith,
Senior White House correspondent,
National Public Radio
(M.J. 2001)
The Campaign for Berkeley Journalism also supports a wide range of wrap-around student support programs that will ensure that those who need assistance will get it — whether they are international students new to American life or first-generation students carrying their family’s dreams with them to graduate school.
We will also invest in services and programs that celebrate Berkeley Journalism’s multicultural community, implementing the schoolwide anti- racism plan, expanding our student and career services capabilities, and building strong and lively connections to the school’s remarkable alumni community.

To invest in building a vibrant, thriving community at Berkeley Journalism, the Campaign for Berkeley Journalism will:
- Strengthen Berkeley Journalism’s place at the center of the world’s leading public university — and one of the most innovative centers of intellectual, research and policy creativity in the world — through durable collaborations with scientists, creative thinkers and policy experts across the campus
- Sustain and grow Berkeley Journalism’s Investigative Reporting Program and the school’s core professional training tracks — documentary and visual journalism, photojournalism, multimedia practice, audio journalism and narrative journalism — to keep pace with changing techniques in the field
- Foster an inclusive community by expanding services and programs that celebrate Berkeley Journalism’s multicultural community, implementing the schoolwide anti-racism plan and building stronger and lively connections to Berkeley Journalism’s remarkable alumni community